Maximize the Roles & Responsibilities of a High-Performing Team

You have way too much on your plate.

As a school leader, you have a lot going on. But “busy” doesn’t even begin to cover it. More accurately, you often feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.

And you frequently find yourself stuck between a rock and a hard place.

On the one hand, you’re completely overwhelmed with tasks that—deep down—you know shouldn’t be your responsibility. After all, you hired your team to take care of the day-to-day and free up your time to focus on growth and development, strategy, and what’s next for your center.


On the other hand, you feel like it’s the only option. As much as you want to hand off those tasks so you can win back your time, energy, and sanity, there’s a part of you that’s still convinced there’s no one on your team you can trust—no one who can get things done as well as you can.

To be the best leader you can be for your school, you know something needs to change. But you’re just not sure how to get started.

Handing off tasks to a team you trust would transform your center.

One thing you are sure of is how incredible it would be to be able to delegate tasks to your team and trust that everything will be executed successfully. By taking things off your plate, you could finally…

  • Eliminate the burnout that’s detracting from your quality of life
  • ​Focus your attention on big-picture goals and reach a fully enrolled center
  • Attract and retain high-quality staff thanks to the growth-centered culture you’ve cultivated
  • ​Shorten your workday, leaving you time for rest and relaxation

You’re confident that handing off the responsibilities that are weighing you down would be nothing short of transformational for your center.

You can see the problem and all the things you can achieve once you’ve worked through it.

The only thing you’re missing is the solution.

Become the leader of a high-performing team.

The Delegate to Elevate On-Demand Workshop is designed to give you the tools you need to delegate with confidence and fully step into your role as leader.

In just 90 minutes, I’ll teach you how to manage your energy, maintain your mental capacity, and keep yourself from burning out by empowering your team to take on responsibilities with confidence and grow in their roles.

Once you implement the methods shared in this workshop, you will…

  • Know how to manage a high-performing team without stress and burnout
  • ​Have highly-engaged team members who are invested in your center’s success
  • ​​Attract and retain staff that act as leaders rather than assistants
  • ​Revel in a better quality of life, both personally and professionally
  • ​​Enjoy higher profits while lessening your overall workload

“I’ve been a childcare center owner for 18 years and currently own 5 locations. This journey for me has been amazing, but certainly not all peaches and cream.

I used to work every day from 4am to 6, 9, 10, sometimes 11pm. I was the preschool teacher, the director, the bus driver, the cook, the baby room teacher, and the psychologist for parents.

I can’t lie to you. I don’t miss those days at all, because I don’t do that anymore. But I know that it made me the leader that I am today.

When I became the CEO of my company, I was able to really grow. I opened two new centers, including one during the pandemic.

Being in the owner’s role has allowed me to create an amazing corporate structure. I was able to solidify the operational processes in my center and drive it to excellence.

And, I was able to stay home with my family for 3 months while recovering from an illness. And guess what? My business was ok. I had it all set up so the centers didn’t need me, and it just carried on.

Now, I’m working on creating a business that can run without me so I can step away and really be the visionary.”

– Kathy Gray

Gain the tools you need to elevate your leadership, your team, and your school.

At the end of this 90-minute on-demand workshop, you’ll have everything you need to reclaim your life and your time—without sacrificing all the growth goals you have for your center.

You’ll walk away with…

A simple method to help you overcome the common challenges that arise when delegating to team members

An exact blueprint on how to design your day so you have healthy boundaries and a smooth-running school—even when you’re not present

Step-by-step methods to filter through distraction & keep you, the leader, focused on the high-priority tasks and visionary work

Plus, you’ll be equipped for success thanks to these bonuses…

The “Stay Off Your Plate” Script: a script to delegate something off your plate to your team, without it coming back to you.

The Retention System: my step-by-step formula to increase retention of high-quality staff.

The School Leader Scorecard: a tool to measure how much your time is worth so you can truly elevate the school and create profit and legacy.

Tried and tested tools that get real results, all for only $99.

Hi, I'm Chanie Wilschanski!

I’m an early childhood leadership coach and the CEO of Schools of Excellence. I’ve worked with hundreds of EC directors and school owners who are working to build a school of excellence with higher staff retention, teacher motivation, parent engagement, and collaborative culture.

I began my journey over a decade ago teaching toddlers at the acclaimed Preschool of the Arts in New York City. After 8 years, I went on to earn my master’s degree in EC and Special Education. Then, in 2015, I started working with teachers and school leaders on the how part of creating excellence in their schools.

As a wife and mother of four, I understand what it takes to lead a large center and have a full-time job at home. It breaks my heart when I see so many dedicated school leaders sacrificing their time with their family and self-care to a school that feels like it’s constantly getting away from them.

If you want to build a better and more sustainable school, I can show you how to maximize the roles and responsibilities of a high-performing team that will help you achieve excellence.

“When I first started working with Chanie, it was right around Christmas time and I was going on a trip.

I told Chanie that I needed help and couldn’t grow my business to where I wanted it to be. I felt like I was at a standstill.

During the trip, I was checking my email 2–3 times a day to make sure there weren’t any fires to put out.

Now, I do daily huddles with admin every day at 10:15am. We’re more on the same page than we’ve ever been, and there’s no micro-managing, which was my worst fear. It works so well!

If you put in the work, it will happen.

My greatest win was last Friday. My daughter had her first-ever gym meet, so I took off and told my admin staff I was going to be gone.

The meet lasted half the day. Before, I would have gone back to work. I would have said: ‘No, I have to be there.’ I was kind of a control freak!

Instead, my daughter and I spent the whole day together—manis, pedis, and we even got a nap in. It was the best day with my daughter.

Now, I’m challenging myself to block out family time on my calendar just like I block out my work time.”

– Mandy Moore

Real questions from School Leaders

Is this workshop live?

No, the workshop is on-demand, meaning it’s pre-recorded and can be viewed on your schedule. You get lifetime access so you can refer back to the content again and again.

How much time does it require?

The workshop lasts a total of 90 minutes, a small investment of your time to learn the skills you need to reclaim your time and build a high-performing team!

Do I need this if I’m an established school with decades of experience?

If you want a new perspective and approach to get out of the daily grind and create freedom, then yes, you’ll benefit from joining the workshop.

I just started my school – is this for me?

Yes! Get started on the right foot and learn the strategies and mindset to build a high-performing team early on.

Delegate your way to excellence.

Stress and burnout aren’t inevitable aspects of your role as a leader. By changing your mindset and applying the right tools, you can better manage your time and energy, create a confident and high-performing team, and achieve the goals you’ve set for your center.

Still not sure if this workshop is right for you?