Prior to graduation, it was determined that:
84% of the entire class had set no goals at all
13% of the class had written goals but no concrete plans
3% of the class had both written goals and concrete plans
”Chanie has helped us identify the reasons for some of the challenges we are experiencing, set goals to help fix or solve those problems and create benchmarks to help us reach those goals. Her feedback and accountability has kept me on track and enabled me to achieve my goals!“
Talia LevineDirector
”I now have a system for setting concrete goals and accountable holding staff accountable. Now I have an agenda and it really is so much easier to delegate- before I used to hash out things and not really move the needle. I feel that I’ve stopped making excuses that I’m not clear enough- now we have a plan.
Ronnie NelsonOwner
I began my career in Early Childhood over a decade ago teaching toddlers at the acclaimed Preschool of the Arts in New York City for 8 years before moving into higher studies and earning my Masters in EC and Special Education.
In 2015, I started training teachers and school leaders on the HOW part of creating excellence in their schools. I’ve since worked with hundreds of EC Directors and School Owners to help them build a School of Excellence with higher staff retention, teacher motivation, parent partnership and collaborative culture.
As a wife and mother of 4, my hands are full and I understand what it takes to lead a large center and have a full-time job at home.
It breaks my heart when I see so many dedicated school leaders sacrificing all of their time with their family and all of their self-care (what self-care?) to a school that feels like it’s constantly getting away from them.
”I learned that by setting goals and then categorizing them in to do lists under each goal it gives us focus. I have been able to maintain that focus. It is monumentous and freeing.
Jill Weinstein