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Retention Intelligence Framework: Transforming Exit Feedback into Strategic Solutions

What do you do when two of your most trusted teachers have unexpectedly handed in their resignations? 

This is the reality of staff turnover faced by many school leaders.

In this episode of the Schools of Excellence podcast, Chanie delves into the multifaceted issue of staff retention within early education centers. Drawing on her extensive research and hands-on experience, Chanie introduces the “Retention Intelligence Framework” and guides school leaders on how to build a positive and sustainable culture that caters to the diverse needs of their staff, ultimately reducing turnover.

Key Topics Discussed: 

  • The significance of using real data to drive retention decisions in schools, moving away from assumptions and gut feelings. 
  • The seven key reasons why staff leave early education centers.
  • How demographic mapping can inform more effective and personalized retention strategies.
  • How to utilize the six channels of intelligence for gathering data on staff retention to discover meaningful insights and improve staff retention. 
  • The five pillars necessary for creating a strong culture of retention, focusing on community, work-life harmony, accountability, contribution, and promotion. 

Ready to reduce staff turnover in your school? 

We support ECE leaders like you to grow their enrollment, retain their staff, and create freedom! 


To learn more about how to work with us, apply here for a call!


Learn more and apply for the Director’s Inner Circle & Owner’s HQ: 

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More about the show:

If you are an Early Childhood director or owner, prepare to transform your school and life with the Schools of Excellence podcast. Tune in each week to learn from Chanie Wilschanski, the founder and host of the Schools of Excellence Podcast and a mom of 4 little kids. Each episode will be packed with tools and strategies – equipping you to build schools with higher staff retention, teacher motivation, parent partnership, collaborative culture, and beautiful quality of life.

Every week, Chanie shares the truth about the journey to excellence, the strategies that are working TODAY, and the mindset about the critical decisions and choices that you make every day which impact yourself, your teachers, parents, family, and children who you serve every day.

In addition to weekly solo episodes, she’ll also be inviting industry leaders and the changing makers of the landscape of education to give listeners the inside knowledge of what it takes to sustain excellence.

Don’t miss an episode, subscribe today for everything you need for your leadership journey!