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Stories of Resilience with Kathy Gray

Today, tomorrow, and for an indefinite future

We face the challenges of the ever-changing landscape of education.

Our schools have seen hard times before

In each of these cases the school leader’s character, values, resilience, and mental strength have been put to the test.

In this fourth episode of my 6 part podcast series, The Stories of Resilience, where I share the stories of 6 school leaders who came together with their parents and teachers and made it out on the other side.


Kathy Gray is the owner of Creative Creators Learning Centers in Williamsburg, Virginia. Kathy has 3 daughters ages 17-25 and regularly hangs out with them and has weekly trivia night. She leads 78 teachers, over 380 families, and has been through her share of challenges and personal health scares with her husband Curt. 


Kathy is an inspiration to school leaders everywhere for what’s possible when you get deeply involved in the kind of life you want to create. She has sustained consistent growth in her journey as an owner and has stayed true to what she desires to build. She is committed to the opportunities that she wants to create.  For the people that she employs, and is indeed an inspiration to many school owners. 

Tune in to listen to a leader who takes her role of training and coaching her people very seriously.

In this episode, Kathy talks about:

  1. Her husband’s cancer diagnosis and how that changed the course of their life. 
  2. Critical decisions that she’s made around closures and what she wanted to do with the parents. 
  3. Some of the practices that she’s been so committed to having helped her ride this season with her team.
  4. Intentionally choosing to spend time in relationship building.
  5. How the community of other school owners has helped her pull herself out of some of those hardest, loneliest moments.
  6. Whether one has to walk through life and get older in order to develop a given midset.
  7. How to embrace growth and not be afraid of losing control. 


Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

Sign up for the Build to Last Workshop HERE

Join Build to Last Workshop, a FREE 4-day Sprint on June 1-4, 2021


The Build to Last Workshop is a FREE 4-day sprint on June 1-4, 2021 to help you remove overwhelm and interruptions to building a calendar and life that serves your personal and professional leadership goals.

What You Will Learn in Build to Last Workshop on June 1-4:

#1: How to create a sustainable calendar that has priorities and projects that move your school forward

You deserve to have more time for family and the quality of life you want.

#2: The habits for a culture of excellence

So you build a rhythm for how to design culture every day and you don’t wait for problems to happen.

#3: How to create boundaries and finish your to-do list

So you can leave work every day confident that that day’s work is done.

#4: The Four Types of Inter team Conflict

So you have the tools and scripts to navigate difficult conversations and have positive results.

Sign up for the Build to Last workshop



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More about the show:

If you are an Early Childhood director or owner, prepare to transform your school and life with the Schools of Excellence podcast. Tune in each week to learn from Chanie Wilschanski, the founder and host of the Schools of Excellence Podcast and a mom of 4 little kids. Each episode will be packed with tools and strategies – equipping you to build schools with higher staff retention, teacher motivation, parent partnership, collaborative culture, and beautiful quality of life.

Every week, Chanie shares the truth about the journey to excellence, the strategies that are working TODAY, and the mindset about the critical decisions and choices that you make every day which impact yourself, your teachers, parents, family, and children who you serve every day.

In addition to weekly solo episodes, she’ll also be inviting industry leaders and the changing makers of the landscape of education to give listeners the insides knowledge of what it takes to sustain excellence.

Don’t miss an episode, subscribe today for everything you need for your leadership journey!